Exchange Of Experts

Exchange of Experts

+40 722 780 790

Who can participate in the Exchange of Experts Programme?

The exchange of experts’ programme is open to professional experts from various organisations, governmental departments, emergency services and scientific institutes having a recognised role in civil protection, disaster management and environmental emergencies.

  • Please note:

NTC approval: Eligibility to participate in the Exchange of Experts Programme is dependent on gaining the approval of the National Training Coordinator (NTC) of your country.

Language requirements: experts shall have an appropriate level of English (minimum B1 Intermediate, according to the CEFR levels) or the language of the host country to optimize the effectiveness of the exchange.

Equal opportunities: Equal opportunities will be given to men and women.

Under certain circumstances, an interpreter may be provided if necessary for the successful completion of the exchange.

As we are in process of building and preparing our Slovakian GFFF-V Module (…) this exercise was the biggest opportunity to gather as much information as needed.

Pavol Čajkovič
from Slovak Republic

Witnessing the live unfolding of actions and being able to see how every team is behaving in given conditions as well as their capacity to adapt and to work in close coordination, has made me realize both the complexity and added value of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. Its an experience not to be forgotten.

Timotei Dedu
from Romania

The Exchange Programme was a fantastic experience and very beneficial to all participants. It allowed for valuable International collaborations between Emergency and Civil Contingency Organisations. The EoE programme is easy to access and supported by a very efficient team.

Alan Nicholls
from United Kingdom

All these knowledge and experience gained through this exchange have broadened our personal and professional view and will undoubtedly contribute to improve our daily and long term operational work

Cédric Martineau
from France – Coastal & sea rescue

Exchange was truly a big eye opener and also on personal level we learned lots new things

Elja Kivikoski
from Finland - SAR in cold conditions & high altitudes

I was able to speak to many SAR people and to gain positive ideas from their experience… it was a very good experience for me that I would recommend to repeat

Katrin Kolbe
from Germany - SAR K9 seminar

Knowing and interacting with other experts, thus learning about their organizations was the main positive aspect for me.

Francisco Senra Rivero
from Spain